IES was established in 2002 in order to prepare its pupils to meet the challenges of the 21st Century as citizens of a united and democratic Europe and the world, who are aware of their rights and are open to all races and cultures.

The school aims to become an exemplary centre for teaching and learning, a school that sets and achieves world class standards in multilingual education. This is based on the school's Pastoral and Social Education programme, and on accreditation to international educational organisations. The school aims to provide each pupil with an excellent foundation for the further study of national programmes within the framework of the International Baccalaureate.


All candidates are obliged to sit our Entrance Exam, which consists of 3 parts - English, Mathematics plus one subject chosen by the candidate: History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics.

  1. The candidate can receive a maximum of 100 points for each part of the exam.
  2. The candidate must obtain at least 150 points in the written tests to be invited to the oral Interview, which is the final stage of the admissions process. Any candidate whose score is below 150 points will not be accepted.
  3. The interview is conducted and evaluated by the Admissions Committee. The candidate can obtain a maximum of 70 points for his overall performance during the interview/see:
    • Communicative skills and fluency in English, self-presentation.
    • Preliminary knowledge about the IB programme or A-levels (depending on the choice made by the student.)
    • Performance in situational tests.
    • Personality, interests, motivation.
  4. During the interview the candidate should also present his/her extracurricular academic, artistic or sport achievements, preferably confirmed by official documents, diplomas or certificates. Each case will be analyzed and evaluated by the Committee.
  5. The results of the admissions process are decisive.
  6. The Admissions Committee consists of the Head of the School, the IB Coordinator, the CAS Coordinator and the IGCSE Coordinator.

Educational offer:

The High School offers a choice of study in one of the two international sections, implementing the Cambridge curriculum (IGCSE, and then A-levels) or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP).

In the first 2 years of high school students complete a 2-year course that prepares them to take International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations at the end of year 10. The IGCSE is an academically rigorous, internationally used, specialized, English language curriculum which is offered to students to help them prepare better for the International Baccalaureate (IB) and A-levels. IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds. It is recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success.

In Year 9 (the 1st year of High School), students are required to choose 8 subjects; one subject from each of the following subject groups:
Group Subject Options
I English A or English B As 1st language or 2nd language
II English Literature
III Polish A or B As 1st language or 2nd language
IV Foreign Language German, French, Spanish, Italian or Russian
V Mathematics Core or Extended level
VI Science Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Science
VII Humanities History, Geography or Business
VIII Extra Art, ICT or any additional subject from group VI or VII

All students will also take the following subjects/programmes: PE, PSE, CAS Tutorials on: study skills, career planning

The curriculum in Year 9 and 10 ends with an IGCSE exam in a minimum of six subjects. In the Year 11 and 12 the school offers 2-year International Baccalaureate Diploma programme (IB DP) or 2-year A-levels.

IGCSE IB DP A-levels
Duration 2 years 2 years 2 years
Class Year 9 & 10 Year 11 & 12 Year 11 & 12
Number of obligatory subjects 10 subjects 6 3-4
Additional subjects/programmes Additional subjects/programmes *CAS
Tutorials on: .study skills .career planning
Written assignment Tutorials on: .study skills .career planning .university applications
Tutorials on: .study skills .career planning .university applications Additional foreign language
Number of obligatory exams 8 6 3-4

Throughout the school year, we organise a number of events and competitions that allow children from different language sections to work together. We also hold a number of charity events, where our pupils raise money for local charities. Events include:

  • European Day
  • Dance-a-thon
  • Christmas Bazaar
  • Christmas Concert
  • St.Nicholas box
  • Science festival
  • Eurovision song contest
  • Sports day
  • Earth Day
  • Carnival week

European Day

We pay special attention to the European National Days. These are regular school days (with the exception of Swięto Niepodległości or National Independence Day).

Students also partake in European Day on May 9th in collaborative projects with pupils from different language sections.

European days

September 1 – Solvakia
September 21 – Malta
October 1 – Cyprus
October 3 – Germany
October 12 – Spain
October 26 – Austria
October 28 – Czechia
November 11 – Poland
November 18 – Latvia
December 1 – Romania
December 6 – Finland
February 16 – Lithuania
February 24 – Estonia
March 3 – Bulgaria
March 15 – Hungary
March 17 – Ireland
Mar 25 – Greece
April 27 – The Netherlands
May 9 – European Union Day
June 2 – Italy
June 5 – Denmark
June 10 – Portugal
June 23 – Luxembourg
June 25 – Slovenia
July 14 – France
July 21 – Belgium

During the first week of school in September, the whole school from Year 2-Year 12 goes away to ‘green camp’.

The camp is designed to help integrate new students into the school/classes with a variety of trips, class activities, sports and team building exercises. It all takes place away from Warsaw, either by the lakes or seaside. It is an opportuity to integrate new students into the school and for students in new sections to get to know their new teachers.

Psychological and pedagogical support is provided by teachers, class tutors as well as by other specialists employed in the school, such as educators, speech therapist, pedagogical therapist and psychologist.

Our SEN team gives special support for children whose development, growth and learning have been affected by:

  • illness,
  • disability,
  • psychological problems
  • and exceptional talents.
  • learning difficulties
Subject teachers and class teachers provide assistance during their ongoing work with students.

Support may be provided in the form of classes aiming at developing talents, compensatory classes to support students with learning difficulties, as well as advice, consultations or workshops and training for whole groups. The different forms of support are provided in cooperation with the student’s parents and, if necessary, with a psychological and pedagogical counselling centre cooperating with the school.

Canteen: Our students can enjoy a daily breakfast, lunch and snack including vegetarian and vegan options provided in the school canteen. The external provider works with lunchtime supervisors and ensures that all meals meet our health requirements. Food brought from home must also meet these requirements, meaning no fast food or sugary snacks.

Library: All pupils from preschool to high school have access to our school library. We have a vast array of books available for the children to sign out at different reading levels. They cover a wide range of topics and genres from fiction to non-fiction, scientific to fantasy. Our friendly librarians can help your child find a book to suit their needs, whether they are a voracious or reluctant reader. All Early Years visit the library once a week and Primary children visit frequently. Books that are lost or damaged must be replaced or reimbursed by the family.

Insurance: The school has accident insurance for all pupils and staff. This insurance covers all events taking place both inside and outside the School.

Recycling: At school we have lots of segregated bins dotted around the school so our rubbish be it paper, metal, plastic or bio can be recycled in the proper fashion.

Personal Belongings  Children in early years and primary are allowed to bring toys to school on Fridays. The school is not responsible for any lost or broken toys. Please evaluate the appropriateness of these toys before taking them to school. 

Uniform: Students are required to wear everyday school uniform to school and ceremonial uniform for trips and special occasions. All information regarding uniforms can be found on the school website BlueBoard.

Lost Property: Please label your child’s belongings clearly to avoid losing them. You can check our lost property in the event your child loses something. At the end of each term, any belongings that have not been collected will be donated to charity.

Mobile Phones:  Children are not allowed to use mobile devices at school. If parents require that their child carries a mobile device, the device needs to be switched off and kept in the child’s bag during the entirety of the school day. Children have full responsibility for their mobile phones. In addition, we kindly request that parents limit their own use of mobile phones in the school premises. 

Bus Transport: Door to door bus transport is organised by our school and included in tuition fee.


  • Parents contact the School
  • Parents receive a login & a password to BlueBoard, the School’s intranet platform and fill in an expression of interest form
  • Parents upload all required documents in pdf forms
  • Parents fill out an application form
  • Parents receive confirmation that their application has been registered
  • The application form and other documents will be checked by the School office; parents might be asked to provide the School with more information
  • The application is then reviewed by the admissions committee and the parents and pupil will be invited for an information meeting and to discuss further steps related to placement examinations where necessary
  • Parents are notified by the Head of the School about the results of the enrolment process and the date of signing of the tuition contract
  • Parents will be able to track their application status all through the application process

Required documents:

  • A copy of passport or birth certificate
  • Copies of child’s school reports and certificates for the past 2 years - English translation required
  • Copies of all additional certificates regarding the child’s special educational needs and / or copies of medical certificates, including a copy of the vaccination card – English translation required


  1. The full registration fee for enrolment is a one-time payment, valid for the Pupil’s whole period of study at the School:
    1. Preschool / Year Zero: 5250,00.- PLN
    2. Years 1-3: 7.350,00.- PLN
    3. Years 4-6: 7.350,00.- PLN
    4. Years 7-8: 7.350,00.- PLN
    5. Years 9-12: 7.350,00.- PLN
  2. Payment of an additional amount is required when a child moves from Year Zero to Year 1 to make up for the difference in the registration fee at this level.


  1. The tuition fees are payable in advance and amount to:
    1. Preschool (from 3 years old): 47.250,00.- PLN
    2. Year Zero: 54.600,00.- PLN
    3. Years 1-3: 61.950,00.- PLN
    4. Years 4-6: 70.350,00.- PLN
    5. Years 7-8: 72.450,00.- PLN
    6. Years 9-12: 72.450,00.- PLN
  2. For tuition contracts signed during the academic year, the annual tuition fee is divided into 10 months of study and calculated proportionally for each calendar month until the end of the school year, regardless of the start day of study during the month.

Tuition fees includes:

  1. Full care for pupils from 8.00 am to 4.15 pm from Monday to Friday;
  2. In Primary School - teaching of school subjects according to the basic core curriculum outlined by MEN - the Polish Ministry of Education, and the guidelines of the National Curriculum for England and inspired by the International Baccalaureate - PYP and MYP programmes;
  3. In High School - teaching towards IGCSE British examinations (National Curriculum for England) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme;
  4. Extracurricular lessons and optional activities organised by the school, including independent work by pupils – “homework lesson” which is supervised by a teacher;
  5. Care and advice of an educational psychologist;
  6. Preventative health check-ups - once every three years;
  7. Sports activities organised by the school according to the Physical Education programme;
  8. The loan of a full set of textbooks and workbooks for obligatory subjects;
  9. Three meals daily: second breakfast, lunch and tea;
  10. Transportation to and from the pupil’s home within a distance of 20 km from school; the distance being calculated according to indicators provided by the internet programme GPS – Google Maps; transportation to obligatory activities organised by the school.

Tuition fees do not include payment for:

  1. Obligatory group accident insurance;
  2. External public examinations including those required by the school.
  3. Care for pupils after 4.15 pm;
  4. Additional extracurricular lessons including foreign language lessons other than those offered by the school;
  5. Additional extracurricular activities organised by the school after 2 pm;
  6. Additional textbooks and pupils’ individual resources required for additional lessons and activities;
  7. Specialist sports activities outside the core Physical Education programme;
  8. Extracurricular activities during the school holidays, for example sports camps
  9. Obligatory school uniform including the daily uniform, ceremonial uniform and sportswear;
  10. Transportation to and from the pupil’s home above the distance of 20 km from school; the distance being calculated according to indicators provided by the internet programme GPS – Google Maps;
  11. Transportation to and from the pupil’s new home location, if different from the one given at the beginning of the school year.
  12. Additional lessons, activities or care according to the wishes of the parents

(*)All fees for general and international sections in International European School * Warsaw are calculated in Polish zloty.

School Office:
ul.Wiertnicza 140
02-952 Warszawa
Tel:+48 22 8424448
E-mail: ies@ies-warsaw.pl

Patron of the School - Jan Kułakowski (1930-2011)

Działacz europejskich i światowych związków zawodowych. Pierwszy Ambasador Polski przy Unii Europejskiej.Główny negocjator wejścia Polski do Zjednoczonej Europy. Patron Międzynarodowej Szkoły Europejskiej w Warszawie.

World and European trade unions activist. The first Polish Ambassador to the European Union. The head negotiator for Poland's accession to United Europe. Patron of the International European School*Warsaw.

Responsable syndical européen et international. Premier Ambassadeur de Pologne auprès de L'Union européenne. Négociateur en chef de l'accession de la Pologne à L'Union européenne. Patron d'honneur de L'Ecole Européenne Internationale de Varsovie.

Warszawa, 2.09.2012