Accredited European School Section


Welcome to the Accredited European School, part of International European School. This school guide is intended for parents and students and offers an insight into what it means to be educated at our school. This handbook is designed to provide you with as much information as possible with regard to the expectations, policies and procedures of our school and should answer many frequently asked questions.

The mission of European Schools is to provide a high quality, multilingual and multicultural education from nursery level to the Baccalaureate, fostering a European and global perspective to educate children of different mother tongues and nationalities. ​To fulfill this mission, we offer internationally recognized quality education to a culturally diverse community based on the principles of the European Schools.

On behalf of the staff of AES, we wish both pupils and parents a successful and enjoyable time here with us.

Best regards,

Ms Agnieszka Wronowska (Head of Polish Section)
Mr Stewart Cogle (Head of English Section)


Our misssion

The mission of our school is to provide a multilingual and multicultural education for nursery, primary and secondary level pupils. It is aimed primarily for children of staff of the European institutions.

Our aim is to prepare the future citizens of an ever-changing Europe and to give pupils confidence in their own cultural identity as an integral part of their development as European citizens in a multilingual and multicultural environment.

The Accredited European School follows the European Schools curriculum and is run in accordance with the relevant regulations governing European Schooling.

About us

International European School, Warsaw:

IES was established in 2002 in order to prepare its pupils to meet the challenges of the 21st Century as citizens of a united and democratic Europe and the world, who are aware of their rights and are open to all races and cultures.

The school aims to become an exemplary centre for teaching and learning, a school that sets and achieves world class standards in multilingual education. This is based on the school's Pastoral and Social Education programme, and on accreditation to international educational organisations. The school aims to provide each pupil with an excellent foundation for the further study of national programmes within the framework of the International Baccalaureate.

Accredited European School:

In March 2017 an agreement was signed to establish an Accredited European School in Warsaw to educate the children of employees of European Union institutions.

We provide multilingual and multicultural education to early years, primary and secondary school children eventually culminating in the European Baccalaureate.

The Accredited European School follows the European Schools curriculum and runs in accordance with the relevant regulations governing European Schooling. 

Nursery, primary and secondary operates according to the principles of the European Schools. The school offers an education based on the European Schools’ syllabuses. 

Students from our different sections are naturally mixed with each other wherever there’s a need or where the program of study allows it. 

The Accredited European School system consists of two years of early education (nursery cycle), five years of primary and seven years of secondary education.

Pupils are admitted to the nursery school at the beginning of the school year in September of the calendar year in which the child reaches four years of age and pupils shall be admitted to primary year 1 at the beginning of the school year in September of the calendar year in which the child reaches six years of age.

Cycle Classes Age
Early Years (Nursery) 1-2 4-5
Primary 1-5 6-10
Observation cycle
Pre-Orientation cycle
Orientation cycle



History of AES

As of September 2020, the School provides European schooling in nursery school (N1- N2), primary school (P1-P5) and secondary school (S1-S3). In September 2021, the School will add another class in the secondary section (S4). In September 2022, the school is planning on opening a secondary 5 class (S5). Next, the School will open a secondary 6 class in 2023. It is planned that students will be taking the first European Baccalaureate exam in 2025.

During the transitional period, the children of staff in the service of European Community institutions (age group S4-S7) are planned to be provided with education in the existing structures of the School, offering teaching in English, at the same time providing Polish students with Polish language lessons as well as Polish history and geography lessons, and providing foreign students with Polish as a foreign language (HCL).

Students joining the existing Year 9 and 10 in High School in the international section (equivalent to S4 – S5), will follow the Cambridge Assessment International Education curriculum enabling them to sit the British International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) at the end of year 10.

Students joining Years 11 and 12 in the international part (equivalent to S6 and S7 in the European schooling system) will have the choice of following either the British curriculum and sit their Advanced Level exams in Year 12 or follow the IB diploma curriculum and take the International Baccalaureate exams in their final year (Year 12).

Patron of the School - Jan Kułakowski (1930-2011)

Działacz europejskich i światowych związków zawodowych. Pierwszy Ambasador Polski przy Unii Europejskiej.Główny negocjator wejścia Polski do Zjednoczonej Europy. Patron Międzynarodowej Szkoły Europejskiej w Warszawie.

World and European trade unions activist. The first Polish Ambassador to the European Union. The head negotiator for Poland's accession to United Europe. Patron of the International European School*Warsaw.

Responsable syndical européen et international. Premier Ambassadeur de Pologne auprès de L'Union européenne. Négociateur en chef de l'accession de la Pologne à L'Union européenne. Patron d'honneur de L'Ecole Européenne Internationale de Varsovie.

Warszawa, 2.09.2012